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Back to School

Its back to school today for most of our young people  . For one of our young people today is a massive milestone... it is his first day back at school for 2 years .

The team have been on a journey with him, it started with him not speaking to anyone, being angry at anyone who tried to talk with him and him not coming out of his room.

 The team could have taken it personally and asked for him to be moved on for "not engaging".

 The Registered Manager could have asked him to be moved on when Ofsted said he wasn't making enough progress (Some homes do this to get better Ofsted ratings).

 But they didn't give up. They knew he had been through a lot, what he needed was consistency, care, lots of love and people who wouldn't give up on him regardless of what he did or didn't do. At the end of the day no one can make a child go to school if going makes them feel unsafe.

 Slowly he began to text the team, he developed a strong bond with one Team member, Tina. He began to come out of his room to speak to Tina and then would go to the shops with her.

 Over time, he has developed relationships with other team members and would spend more time outside of his bedroom and outside of the home. His school were amazing and called him every week to check in on him and to catch up with him.

 So when he voluntarily said, "I think I'd like to go back to school now," I think we all collectively fell off our chairs!

He has thrown a lot at the team over the past 2 years, and they were there for him regardless. Now school life might throw a lot at HIM, but he knows the team will be there for him regardless.

Its a very proud day for us all at ROC today, we are proud of the team who supported him, of Tina who so carefully developed a relationship with him, but mostly of him, for his huge act of bravery in stepping through those school doors today .

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